Monday, June 26, 2006

Monday morning

I'm feeling very 'monday-morning(ish)' and so far (its 9.35am) its not been a good monday morning. Its a case of too much to do and no time to do it..... constant interruptions - nothing horrendous but a real feeling of things about to get out of control - to be honest, I woke up feeling like this.... the weekend was ok but I had an awareness of low-med level stress all the way through - again, nothing awful happened but I just felt on edge. I do have a difficult week ahead with certain unpleasant meetings to attend and take minutes at - late evenings here and to be honest, if I get to Friday intact I will be very pleased!

Where is God in all this - well I know he's with me, I know he hasn't moved or changed as he is faithful - its just that I am finding that I have very little time to really commune with him. I've prayed my 'list' of people, circumstances, situations - all the things and people I've promised to pray for but I haven't spent time with Him - and I am feeling desperate - sharing an office is fine most of the time but in this situation I am longing to have some time to myself and some privacy - the only time I get that is in the toilet and you can see that isn't the most ideal situation!!

I already get up at the crack of dawn, or before that and so there is no time there - at the end of the day I am pretty well exhausted, once all the usual house/home stuff is done - its easy to spend quality time with God when there is little demand on me and my time - I feel very resentful of work at the moment and feel its just a distraction from what I really want to do and need to do - its a well-paid distraction but........

Yes, I am sending up those arrow prayers, but today that doesn't feel like enough....... I am conscious so often of my need to 'Be Still and Know that He is God' - I am very rarely in that place and its getting desperate (well, I'm getting desperate!! maybe you noticed!!)
Thank God that He never changes and I praise Him that he lives in me and knows all about me and He is faithful - I couldn't do anything without Him but I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me..... even when I can't find that precious time to be with Him as I need to be.... A favourite song says it all really "To be in your presence, to sit at your feet..... this is my desire O Lord, this is my desire.........
Please God help me to be of use to you this day, how ever distracted and disturbed I may feel. Thank you!


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