Friday, October 27, 2006

Safe harbour???

Our new Corps Vision or is it Mission(!) Statement reads "Our Corps' passion is to pilot our communities into the safe harbour of Jesus Christ". For info, our village has a long history of Piloting ships up the treacherous waters of the Severn estuary and the Bristol Channel.... something passed down from Father to Son in a couple of families over hundreds of years.

I recognise absolutely the need for us to focus on 'Others' - the need to look outward and to reach the lost in our community...... I know it is what we must do but I find it so difficult to focus in that area as much as I should purely becasue I believe our fellowship is not 'safe' - it is not able to pilot anyone currently. Obviously that doesn't mean that we must not reach out to the lost and tell them of Jesus/show them His Love - but, do we then direct them to our fellowship, as a place of nurture and ongoing discipleship??? I've always struggled with this to a certain extent because our corps has had such problems and still has problems that have led to a form of corporate repentance over 'lack of love' 'cold love' 'bitterness & resentment' 'unforgiveness' and so on....... The trouble is that (and I'm sorry as this will appear judgemental) the individuals most in need of seeking forgiveness and receiving forgiveness for the cancer that has eaten away at our corps, were not there and still continue in the same vein as they always have.

What do we do - what should I do - I am struggling to stay in our fellowship..... how can I encourage anyone to come along whilst things are so unpleasant so often?? Yes there are a good few faithful and encouraging people in our corps, thank God! But people are leaving because they can't stand the 'atmosphere' sometimes people don't actually know a lot of what is going on but still they perceive that atmosphere.

Things are happening in our fellowship and I am holding on to the hope that although we might be dying in some respects, I am praying that God is perhaps making us into a smaller, more faithful and willing group of people - a fellowship that will truly be a fellowship - one where we can be real, honest and open with each other..... where we will support and encourage each other - and the Officers - WOW, wouldn't that be something special...... and that would definitely be the sort of fellowship that I would want to drag people into (and I'd want to hang around too!)

Faithfulness is the key I feel........ But its hard to hold on when the going is so tough - I am praying that God's will is done in and through A&T (our officers) for them, our fellowship and for His Kingdom in future days........ Please God don't let things go back to how they were before - on the surface all seemed hunky dory, decent sized musical sections, fairly big congregations..... but almost total mediocrity and uselessness, apart from in one or two areas and in a small number of faithful individuals. I don't like it tough, I don't like the heat of the battle (well at least I'm honest!) but I recognise that we must surely be doing something that the evil one doesn't like.... we must be encroaching on his territory...... maybe we are on the brink of taking back the ground we lost so long ago for Jesus - so the battle is fierce and will probably get fiercer with more casualties perhaps..... I pray that I will remain faithful!


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