Thursday, July 19, 2007

Last day ramblings

Just over 5 hours till I leave work, not to return till 7 August and I can't wait. Don't get me wrong... the job isn't horrid - tiring but not horrid, the people I work with a lovely (most of them!) my office is nice, the locale is good.... but the days are too long and then it just carries on when I get home "a woman's work is never done......" And I am just absolutely exhausted and can hardly keep my poor old peepers open. I know its an age thing - but I also recognise that all this physical stuff (oh did I mention that everything hurts at the moment - esp head, neck, ears, throat, upper back and lower back.....) I believe is down to spiritual stuff..... well I know its down to spiritual stuff.

Some reading this will know that there has been some serious 'stuff' happening at the corps........ well, actually such stuff has been happening for as long as I can remember... certainly 30 yrs, but its definitely upped in the intensity stakes over the last couple of years or so - something to do with stands being taken!?! Anyway, the devil's schemes have been shown for what they are........ and that is good I suppose..... but the pain....... and just that awful feeling of dread - its still with me. One thing that I think is good for me personally is that I don't feel extreme anger about it all anymore but I do feel an intense sadness which washes over me again and again, particularly when in prayer. The hurt has gone deeper than I had realised.

I can't think of anything profound to say (do I ever!) but I will say that I don't think I have ever looked forward to getting away to Tuscany so much (I always look forward to it believe me but not with such a desperation and exhaustion) - I can't wait, literally. I need to sleep, to lie in the sun and do nothing as much a possible, I need to see blue skies and experience just bird-song. I need to look around me and see the beauty of God's wonderful creation....... and it is certainly beautiful where we will be from Saturday! I need to have time to read...... to take time over eating....... I need to have time to pray and pray and pray and I thank God for the next 2 weeks in advance. Dick and I are there for the first week (first time!) and Sian & Rich and Lucy & Dave are coming out for the second week - I know it will be fab.... I hope and pray I will have what I need to come back......!

Yes I am escaping........


Blogger Ann said...

By the way, when I talk about 'stands' being taken I'm not talking about music stands or similar...... :~))

10:26 am  
Blogger Brian's Blog said...

The Great Escape!! I think that they made a movie about that.

Lord, give Ann and Dick, the refreshment they need. Amen

12:58 pm  
Blogger Ann said...

Many thanks Brian! God bless.

1:01 pm  
Blogger petros said...

have a great holiday Ann & Dick. Soak up everything that is good & beatiful during those 2 weeks ......... Se you when you return ............. God Bless
Pete & Pauline

7:29 am  

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