Thursday, November 02, 2006

Stuck in the middle :((

The title says it all - my current position and the thing that has consumed me and subsumed me is that I am stuck in the middle. I am between a rock and a hard place..... I can't go into detail because it involves people (doesn't everything that causes problems!!?) but suffice to say it is a very unpleasant place to be. Of course, the devil is having a field-day..... doesn't he always when you feel weakest...... I am trying very hard to hold onto God's hand in all this and to trust him that he's still on the throne - Yes I know he is but I am struggling with seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.... or is it an oncoming train!!!!!!!!
Basically the situation I am in currently is a no-win situation.... whatever I do, whether siding with one or the other, or staying as I am, stuck in the middle, I lose, I am losing.... I am really losing in all this. The trouble is that, to quote yet another song - "Everybody hurts" All of us in this situation are hurting....... and when you hurt you can only focus on your own hurt and the injustice of it all - where is God in all this?? I really don't know. I do know that I want to run away, I want to stick my head in the sand, under the duvet, run off somewhere where nobody knows me.......... and hope it all goes away or at least eases. But none of this is an option, long-term. I have thought and prayed about this so much and my head is bursting with confusion and pain. But, one thing that has come to me again and again, and this is surprising I think - is that I am chosen to be a Soldier in the Salvation Army - I would find it very difficult if not impossible to worship anywhere else.... and I would find it impossible not to worship. So, that means I have to stick it out, holding onto God's hand and allowing him to lead me through the mine-field that is relationships. I just hope and pray that I will learn the lessons he wants to teach me and that at the end of it all, if I reach the end, our corps/fellowship will actually be somewhere that I not only feel that I am called to be a part of but that I actually want to be a part of! But if only I could deal with the pain, or feel the pain and still keep on going without my whole being just crying out for help..... its getting in the way of everything - if only I could find that switch in my poor head to turn off these thoughts that are whizzing round and round........


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