Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Who am I called to be?

I still remember the message given by Captain Danielle Strickland at Roots this year.... she was talking about what it means to be truly humble and saying that it wasn't a sort of self-deprecating, false modesty thing but that being truly humble was just agreeing with what God says you are! It was pretty mind-blowing and not just for me either..... She was speaking about Gideon and (excuse this if its not completely accurate) the fact that he was called to go to war for God and he felt weak and useless - God called him a mighty warrier though.... but he still felt weak and useless - BUT he recognised that this was the enemy up to his usual tricks and that all he had to do was to fully believe what God said about him and to accept fully what God said about him because after all........... God is not a liar!
So, my question in the title - I know I am a child of the King, I am a child of the living God, I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am the apple of God's eye and he rejoices over me with singing. I have a whole raft of truths from the bible (from the Freedom in Christ stuff) that says I am Significant, Secure and Accepted - restored in Christ...... and the Bible verses say it all and there are so many of them. These are truths that in our new system of Ward (type of Cell church) will be trying to take on board.... allow to sink in..... read aloud every day(!) and start to believe about ourselves - we all need this and God is so patient with each one of us (especially me!!) but all we need is found in Him and in Him alone. Like one of my fave songs says "In Christ alone my hope is found..... He is my rock, my strength my hope..... this cornerstone, this solid ground, firm through the winds and drought and storm (or something like this!). And it goes on to say so much which I won't repeate here but its a wonderful song and full of God's truth. The whole Freedom in Christ thingamebob is based on the fact that for true Freedom to be experienced we have to believe what God says about us in His wonderful Word - John 8:32 says "Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free"......... so Freedom in Christ and true humility in one fail swoop - something to really aim for and certainly something of the Kingdom of God here on earth with all that boundless, fullness of life!!!


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