Monday, April 02, 2007

Something's happening!

The last 3 months or so have been 'interesting' on a spiritual level. I have stepped forward a little, fallen back a lot, fallen down, felt like I was disintegrating (and not just spiritually). I've retreated into what has been familiar.... I have been angry with everyone, including myself and including God. I am sorry to say this but whilst teaching Freedom in Christ and with the head-knowledge of all that teaching - knowing it to be true..... I have been too ready to believe the lies of the devil...... and the condemnation that has come with all of this bile. All I can say is that I have been incredibly feeble-minded and yet I know that I have the mind of Christ..... so, what have I been doing..... and, the usual question: where is God in all this??

I had been praying and praying with varying degrees of intensity for God to give me what I realised I needed (and what he knew I needed)...... That compassion and love for the lost..... that compulsion to bring them to Jesus' feet. What a horrendous thing to admit to, on the one had, and perhaps, thankfully I've realised what has been lacking (well one thing is a good start!)

I believe that God has been with me through all this.... and I just thank Him for His unconditional love... but (thanks to Andrew CO) I recognise [again.... sigh] that although God loves me, He went to Calvary in my place, to win my Freedom.... to clothe me in His robes of Righteousness - Robes I certainly don't deserve. He made the way clear, by His death, for me to boldly approach His throne of Grace - Amazing Grace!!!!!!! And all of this so that I might be reconciled to God..... in right relationship with Him.

When reading a SA blog last week (Captain Danielle Strickland) I was struck by the Micah challenge < and it was as though I came out of a fog and realised that my responsibility to 'Others' is a non-negotiable (to be honest I did know that but didn't know how to put it into practice) - but, I also realised that all my interest in Politics & Social Justice over the years, since entering my teens is down to how I was made, how I was created by my God....... I cannot enter into deep theological discussions (how ever interesting I find them!) because that is not me - but I can Act Justly, Love Mercy and Walk Humbly With My God and if I strive to do that, in God's strength and in His Love then............ well, it feels exciting and even though that doesn't sound very ' spiritual' I reckon that the Holy Spirit is prompting me and I just recognise a confirmation deep within me - the condemnation is gone. :)) Hallelujah!


Blogger youthwork southwest said...

Hi Ann!

Just found your blog via Andrew's - great to see your thoughts.

Hope you're all well!

Martin (exDYO!)

3:58 pm  
Blogger Ann said...

Hi Martin, good to hear from you!
I've been meaning to comment on your blog for a while :( and wanted to say how good it is to hear that things are going so well for you and Kay..... very interested to hear about your church - sounds great!
All well here thanks - you may or may not have heard our family good news that Lucy and Dave got engaged a few weeks back - Wedding next year July 26th!

8:59 am  

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