Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walking in the light

For the last week I've been dreading today.... purely due to having to attend and take notes and minutes of two 'difficult', complicated and long meetings, both of which are often unpleasant, due to certain individuals and their comments. I think I almost made myself ill with worry about it and I did consider 'being ill' today. Anyway, I decided to take God at his word and trust him to get me through when I made the decision not to walk in the dark and lie about being ill but walk in the light and let him help me. I've just come back from the second meeting and have to say that, although I am feeling drained, God was true to his promise not to leave me or forsake me.... even in a stupid situation like this!!
I'm glad I chose to walk in the light as he is in the light!

Monday, March 16, 2009

I'm back.........

As the title says, I'm back... I've had a long break from posting in blog-land although I've been reading my favourite blogs regularly and as time has gone on (and certainly over the last couple of weeks) I've wanted to 'speak up' again!

All I really want to say just now is that God is faithful..... during this recent 'wilderness' he has been with me every step of the way. He has brought such a depth of healing that I continue to be amazed. There have been some incredibly tough times that only he has known about but I can truly say that, to use nature as an analogy, I have felt stirrings of new growth and for that I thank him. I continue to be convinced of the power of prayer and the need for prayer........ that communion is something not to be taken lightly, it is a honour and a privilege to be able to communicate with the Almighty God of the Universe..... my friend and Father.

I feel excited about my journey for the first time in a very long while!
God bless.